Tuesday, February 1, 2011

life's lil Crazies! ♥

Whew, it's hard not to get caught in the whirlpools of tax season, homework overloads, academic stress, penta-life crisis' and/or general trauma that comes with this time of year. Well guess what?!?! I'm right in the middle of it, filing for scholarships, taxes, and fasfa. And? yes..yes...still alive! ♥

So, today, for the first time in my life, I payed taxes. yes, taxes. That means I had income this past year right? well, um..no.  Turns out, if you get lots of scholarship, you pay a lil bit of taxes. :) Thank goodness that God gave me enough scholarship to even cover taxes. Blessings? I think so! :)

Guess what?!?! :) Life is pretty cool sometimes. Like, lately. Everything has been pretty darn fantastic! Still waiting for that Christmas present from Germany for the Tic Tac boy. I was hoping it would be here by Valentines...but we shall see.

Speaking of the tic tac boy..he's pretty great :)  That's all!

Oh! and, to add to my list of things to do before I die:  I wanna ride on a hot air balloon.  I know, I know.  It's not necessary, and may be a lil pricey, but I have a 2 for 1 pass, and intend to use it soon! ♥ Pics will follow!

Yesterday is history, and tomorrow is future, but today? Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present! ♥♥♥


  1. did i ever tell you i'm think about getting my commercial hot balloon pilot's license?

  2. What?! are you for reals? How do you get one of those?! <3
