Friday, November 12, 2010

Don't take life too serious. You'll never escape it alive anyway.

As crazy as this quote's not actually depressing at all.

On the flip side...Here's life.  So live it, right? I read a snippet today that said, "If we were given 84,600 dollars in a bank account every day, and the excess was disposed of each night...what would we do? Well, we'd withdraw it all and spend every last penny, right?" Guess what?  There are 84,600 seconds in a day.  Each one that we waste on feeling like we're "just not good enough" or "worried about this thing we can't control" or even just plain boring or unhappy, we WASTE our lives!!! There's a second you'll never get is short, people! and the one thing that stood out most to me from BYU's production of Tuesdays with Morrie was, "We are ALL GOING TO DIE!"  So...on a lighter note...what do we do about this?

 The answer is simple. laugh. then laugh again. smile for no reason. count your blessings. then count them again, because in that second that you finished counting, there were more! jump in that big mud puddle! drink chocolate milk with a straw. actually. don't even drink it! Blow bubbles in the chocolate milk like you have wanted to your entire life! take a little risk. fill your life with good things. For goodness sakes, fall in love! Hold hands. Tell the people in your life how important they are. cause you know? they're gonna die too, someday.  And you don't wanna have to regret not loving them as much as humanly possible. compliment, compliment, compliment. People don't know how amazing they are, and if they do, they certainly won't admit it to themselves. paint a masterpiece.  do everything on your list of things to do before you die, and then add another one. pick dandelions. and LOVE. because that never dies.

This is the stuff that life is made of, this is what fills the spaces of life with air, breath, magic, beauty! life is beautiful, and the more we give of ourselves, the more we let ourselves love, the more beautiful it becomes. <3

this is me. signing out. still promising someday i will post my list of things to do before i die.

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