So, instead of telling you all the blah blah's of my life up to now, you're just gonna deal with the fact that there will be some missing blanks. This is no life-story. It's just my lil inkblot on the page of life.
Now that you are all mine, and I have your attention, I can say anything I'd like. Here are a few of my favorite things, as a small introduction to me:
♥little children
♥splashing in the rain with polka-dot umbrellas and rain-boots
♥People who love other people
♥my man
♥friends who push you beyond your limits to be better
♥absolutely beautiful art
♥sand between my toes
♥smilies--because nothing better can express the purpose of suffering than happiness
♥standing next to a waterfall--because God made this earth beautiful
♥true love--without it, we're not even real.

Up and coming: My list of things to do before I die
congrats on the first post. i love this layout it fits you so well.